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| [[File:Connhol2.png|200px|thumb|alt=Connhol2]]
| [[File:Connhol2.png|200px|thumb|alt=Connhol2]]
||This primitive is used for Technic connector peg holes in 20LDu wide Technic parts with an extended indentation.
||This primitive is used for Technic connector peg holes in 20LDu wide Technic parts with an extended indentation.
| '''connhol3.dat''' || '''Technic beam hole long with only one end'''
| [[File:Connhol3.png|200px|thumb|alt=Connhol3]]
||This primitive is used for Technic connector peg holes for use in Technic parts with a narrow beam section.

Revision as of 07:43, 11 December 2023

LDraw Primitives Reference

This page is a source of reference for the LDraw primitives in the \LDraw\p directory. Primitives are defined as highly re-usable components of LEGO parts modelled for LDraw. They serve several purposes :

  • To speed up parts authoring by providing a library of components which can be incorporated into several parts
  • To allow rendering software to make substitutions of curved components

Within this reference material the available primitives are categorised into:

Each section contains an overview of the characteristics common to all primitives within that category. Primitives are grouped into classes within each category - one class of primitive serving a similar purpose at different sizes or resolutions. For each class of primitive, a brief description of the purpose of the primitive is provided, with notes on its co-ordinate origin, default size and rules for scaling. A list of the available primitives is shown.

AxesAn understanding of the orientation of the co-ordinate axes is essential for authoring a part for LDraw. For reference within this page the axes and their direction is shown in this diagram.

Rectilinear primitives


Boxes are named boxF, with F representing the number of faces a box has. The suffix E represents the number of edges removed.

F and E are may followed by an additional letter. The hyphen is removed if F is accompanied by a modifier.

Face modifiers:

  • o - faces are opposite to each other
  • t - faces are all touching each other (usually, it's implied, but box4t.dat is a thing)
  • u - missing faces form a U-shape

Edge letters:

  • p - groups of edges are parallel to each other
  • a - some missing faces have no adjacent edges

Scaling and orientation

These rectilinear elements may be scaled in the {x}, {y} and {z} dimensions to make elements of any size. For example

1 16    0 0 0    40 0 0    0 1 0    0 0 20    rect.dat

would generate a 80LDu x 40LDu rectangle in the {x,z} plane.

Although the default orientation of the rect.dat primitive is in the {x,z} plane the LDraw language allows for this to be transformed

1 16    0 0 0    0 1 0    40 0 0    0 0 20    rect.dat

would generate a 80LDu x 40LDu rectangle in the {y,z} plane.

1 16    0 0 0    40 0 0    0 0 20    0 1 0    rect.dat

would generate a 80LDu x 40LDu rectangle in the {x,y} plane.

Two dimensional

triangle.dat Triangle with all edges
This primitive represents a isosceles right triangle in the {x,z} plane and the three edges that bound it. Its origin is at the tip of the right angle and by default has a size of 1LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions. To avoid matrix arithmetic problems in some renderers, the third dimension ({y} in the default orientation) must be given a non-zero scaling factor.

1 16    0 0 0    5 0 0    0 1 0    0 0 20    triangle.dat

rect.dat Rectangle with all edges
This primitive represents a rectangle in the {x,z} plane and the four edges that bound it. Its origin is at its centre and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions.
rect3.dat Rectangle with 3 edges
This primitive represents a rectangle in the {x,z} plane but excludes one edge {-z}. Its origin is at its centre and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions.
rect2p.dat Rectangle with 2 parallel edges
This primitive represents a rectangle in the {x,z} plane but excludes two parallel edges ({+x} and {-x}). Its origin is at its centre and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions.
rect2a.dat Rectangle with 2 adjacent edges
This primitive represents a rectangle in the {x,z} plane but excludes two adjacent edges ({-x} and {-z}). Its origin is at its centre and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions.
rect1.dat Rectangle with 1 edge
This primitive represents a rectangle in the {x,z} plane but include only the one {+x} edge. Its origin is at its centre and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions.
recte3.dat Empty rectangle with three edges
This primitive represents three edges of a rectangle in the {x,z} plane. Its origin is at its centre and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions.
recte4.dat Empty rectangle with all edges
This primitive represents the four edges of a rectangle in the {x,z} plane. Its origin is at its centre and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions.
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Three dimensional

box.dat Cuboid with all faces and edges
This primitive is used to define a cuboid. Its origin is the centre of the cuboid and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the three dimensions.
box0.dat Cuboid with no faces and edges
This primitive is used to define the frame a cuboid. Its origin is the centre of the cuboid and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the three dimensions.
box5.dat Cuboid with 5 faces and all edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} face. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box5-1.dat Cuboid with 5 faces without 1 edge
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} face and one edge {-z} of that. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box5-2p.dat Cuboid with 5 faces without 2 parallel edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} face and two of the four edges surrounding that. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box5-4a.dat Cuboid with 5 faces without top edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} face and the four edges surrounding that. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box5-12.dat Cuboid with 5 faces missing all edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} face and all edges. Its primary use is for sticker parts. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
Box4 overview
Box4 Overview
box4.dat Cuboid with 4 parallel faces and all edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and bottom {+y} faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box4o4a.dat Cuboid with 4 parallel faces without bottom edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and bottom {+y} faces, and missing the edges of the bottom face. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box4o8a.dat Cuboid with 4 parallel faces without top and bottom edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and bottom {+y} faces, and missing the edges of the top and bottom face. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box4t.dat Cuboid with 4 adjacent and all edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and front {-z} faces, but with all its edges. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box4-1.dat Cuboid with 4 adjacent faces missing 1 edge
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and front {-z} faces and the edge between those faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box4-2p.dat Cuboid with 4 faces without two opposite top edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and bottom {+y} faces, and missing two edges of the top face - the intersection of the two missing faces and the opposite edge. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box4-3p.dat Cuboid with 4 faces without three parallel edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and bottom {+y} faces and missing three edges of the missing faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box4-4a.dat Cuboid with 4 adjacent faces missing 4 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and front {-z} faces and all the edges of the missing front face. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box4-5a.dat Cuboid with 4 adjacent faces missing 5 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and front {-z} faces and all the edges at the top and the bottom of the missing front face. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box4-7a.dat Cuboid with 4 adjacent faces missing 7 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and front {-z} faces and all the edges of both missing faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box4-12.dat Cuboid with 4 adjacent faces missing all edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and front {-z} faces and excludes all the edges. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3-3.dat Cuboid with 3 adjacent faces missing 3 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and bottom {+y} faces, and missing three edges of the missing faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3-5a.dat Cuboid with 4 adjacent faces missing 4 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y}, front {-z} and left {-x} faces and includes the three internal edges and the outer edges except those on the left {-z}. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x}, {y} and {z} dimensions.
box3-7a.dat Cuboid with 3 adjacent faces missing 7 adjacent edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y}, front {-z} and left {-x} faces and includes the three internal edges but only the outer edges at the top (-y). Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x}, {y} and {z} dimensions.
box3-9a.dat Cuboid with 3 adjacent faces missing 9 adjacent edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y}, front {-z} and left {-x} faces and includes only the three internal edges. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x}, {y} and {z} dimensions.
box3-12.dat Cuboid with 3 adjacent faces missing all edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y}, front {-z} and left {-x} faces but excludes all edges. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x}, {y} and {z} dimensions.
Box3u overview
Box3u Overview
box3u2p.dat Cuboid with 3 faces missing 2 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes the top edges of the left {-x} and right {+x} faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3u4p.dat Cuboid with 3 faces missing 4 parallel edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes the topand bottom edges of the left {-x} and right {+x} faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3u4a.dat Cuboid with 3 adjacent faces missing all edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes the edges of the missing top face. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3u5p.dat Cuboid with 3 faces missing 5 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes the top edge of the left {-x} face and all edges of the right {+x} face. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3u6.dat Cuboid with 3 faces missing 6 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes the top and bottom edges of the right {+x} face and all edges of the left {-x} face. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3u6a.dat Cuboid with 3 faces missing 4 adjacent and 2 parallel edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes all the top edges and the bottom edges of the missing faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3u7a.dat Cuboid with 3 faces missing 7 adjacent edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes the edges of the missing top (-y) and right (+x) faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3u8p.dat Cuboid with 3 faces missing 8 edges (in two parallel groups)
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes all the edges of the left {-x} and right {+x} faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3u10p.dat Cuboid with 3 faces in a 'U' shape, missing 10 edges (all except those between the faces)
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes all the edges except the two betweenthe faces. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
box3u12.dat Cuboid with 3 parallel faces missing all edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y} and left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes all the edges. Its origin is the centre of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
boxjcyl4.dat Box truncated by cylinder
This suite of primitives are used to model the intersection between a box and cylinders of different radii. The box has a fixed width of 2LDu and the cylinder radius is denoted by the r in the filename.

Currently available primitives : Regular resolution (boxjcylr) : 4

box2-5.dat Cuboid with 2 adjacent faces missing 5 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y}, front {-z}, left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes all the edges which do not bound the included faces. Its origin is the centre of the cuboid and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x}, {y} and {z} dimensions.
box2-7.dat Cuboid with 2 adjacent faces missing 7 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y}, front {-z}, left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes all the edges except that at the join between the two faces and those along the left {-x} and right {+x} sides. Its origin is the centre of the cuboid and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x}, {y} and {z} dimensions.
box2-9.dat Cuboid with 2 adjacent faces missing 9 edges (all except those connected to the {+x}, {+y}, {+z} vertex)
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y}, front {-z}, left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes all the edges except that at the join between the two faces and those along the right {+x} sides. Its origin is the centre of the cuboid and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x}, {y} and {z} dimensions.
box2-9p.dat Cuboid with 2 adjacent faces missing 9 edges (all except three parallel edges)
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y}, front {-z}, left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes all the edges except that at the join between the two faces and those parallel to that. Its origin is the centre of the cuboid and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x}, {y} and {z} dimensions.
box2-11.dat Cuboid with 2 adjacent faces missing 11 edges
This primitive represents a cuboid missing the top {-y}, front {-z}, left {-x} and right {+x} faces and excludes all the edges except that at the join between the two faces. Its origin is the centre of the cuboid and by default has a size of 2LDu in each of the {x}, {y} and {z} dimensions.
tri3.dat Right-angled triangular prism with 3 faces
This primitive represents a triangular prism missing the top {-y} and bottom {+y} faces but including all edges. The left {-x} and front {-z} faces are perpendicular. Its origin is the right-angle corner of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 1LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
tri3-1.dat Right-angled triangular prism with 3 faces
This primitive represents a triangular prism missing the top {-y} and bottom {+y} faces and excludes the top edge of the hypotenuse. Its origin is the right-angle corner of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 1LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
tri3-3.dat Right-angled triangular prism missing 3 faces
This primitive represents a triangular prism missing the top {-y} and bottom {+y} faces and excludes all top edges. Its origin is the right-angle corner of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 1LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
tri3a1.dat Right-angled triangular prism with 3 adjacent faces missing 1 edge
This primitive represents a triangular prism missing the top {-y} face, the face at the hypotenuse as well as the top edge at the hypotenuse. Its origin is the right-angle corner of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 1LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
tri3a3.dat Right-angled triangular prism with 3 adjacent faces missing 3 edge
This primitive represents a triangular prism missing the top {-y} face, the face at the hypotenuse and excludes all top edges. Its origin is the right-angle corner of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 1LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
tri3a4 Right-angled triangular prism with 3 adjacent faces missing 4 adjacent edges
This primitive represents a triangular prism missing the top {-y} face, the face at the hypotenuse and excludes all edges at the hypotenuse. Its origin is the right-angle corner of the (missing) top face and by default has a size of 1LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
tri3u1.dat Right-angled triangular prism with 3 faces missing 1 edge
This primitive represents a triangular prism missing the left {-x} and front {-z} faces. Its origin is the right-angle corner of the top face and by default has a size of 1LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
tri3u3.dat Right-angled triangular prism with 3 faces missing 3 edges
This primitive represents a triangular prism missing the left {-x} and front {-z} faces, the edge where they would join and one edge of each of the triangles. Its origin is the right-angle corner of the top face and by default has a size of 1LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
tri4.dat Right-angled triangular prism with 2 square faces and 2 triangular faces
This primitive represents a triangular prism missing the face at the hypotenuse. Its origin is the right-angle corner of the top face and by default has a size of 1LDu in each of the {x} and {z} dimensions and 1LDu in the {y} dimension.
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Curved primitives

LDraw represents curved surfaces as polygons. For circular components two series of primitives are provided.

All the circular primitives are orientated in the {x,z} plane with their origin at the centre of the circle and a default radius of 1 LDu. Primitives are provided for complete circles and for commonly used fractions of a complete circle. Where the naming convention includes a prefix of the form n-f this indicates the fraction (n/f) of the circle drawn by the primitive. Where this fraction is less than an entire circle, the primitive starts at {+x,0} and progresses in a conterclockwise direction when viewed from above {-y}.

To avoid rounding errors, it is preferable to use existing fractional circular primitives, or create a new primitive, rather than rotate an existing primitive by anything other than 90 or 180 degrees. For example, use 3-16XXXX.dat rather than combining 1-8XXXX.dat with 1-16XXXX.dat rotated by 22.5 degreees.

To avoid matrix arithmetic problems in some renderers, the third dimension ({y} in the default orientation) of two-dimensional primitives must be given a non-zero scaling factor. LDraw circles are normally formed of 16-sided polygons (hexdecagons) - the regular resolution. For larger elements, where scaling-up of hexadecagons would give too angular an appearance, a series of high resolution primitives based on a 48-sided polygon are available. These may also be used for parts not well suited to a 16-fold symmetry.

These circular elements may be scaled by the same factor in both the {x} and {z} dimensions to make circular elements of greater or less than 1LDu radius. For example

1 16    0 0 0    3 0 0    0 1 0    0 0 3    4-4edge.dat

would generate a circle in the {x,z} plane with a radius of 3LDu.

They may also be scaled asymmetrically in the x and z dimension to make ellipses.

Although the default orientation is in the {x,z} plane the LDraw language allows for these to be transformed

1 16    0 0 0    0 1 0    3 0 0    0 0 3    4-4edge.dat    would generate a circle in the {y,z} plane

1 16    0 0 0    3 0 0    0 0 3    0 1 0    4-4edge.dat    would generate a circle in the {x,y} plane

Two dimensional

Circular 2D Overview
Circular 2D Overview
n-fedge.dat Circular line segment
This suite of primitives are used for edges which comprise an entire or part circle.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-16, 1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 2-4, 9-16, 5-8, 11-16, 3-4, 13-16, 7-8, 4-4
High resolution (n-f): 1-48, 1-24, 1-16, 1-12, 5-48, 1-8, 7-48, 1-6, 3-16, 5-24, 11-48, 1-4, 7-24, 5-16, 1-3, 3-8, 19-48, 5-12, 7-16, 11-24, 2-4, 5-8, 2-3, 3-4, 4-4
Low resolution (n-f): 1-4, 2-4, 3-8, 4-4

n-fdisc.dat Circular disc sector
This suite of primitives are used for surfaces which comprise an entire or part circle.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-16, 1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 2-4, 5-8, 11-16, 3-4, 7-8, 4-4
High resolution (n-f): 1-24, 1-12, 5-48, 1-8, 7-48, 1-6, 3-16, 5-24, 1-4, 1-3, 2-4, 4-4
Low resolution (n-f): 1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4

n-fchrd.dat Circular disc segment
This suite of primitives are used for surfaces which comprise part of a circle enclosed by the arc of its circumference and its chord. Note that the bounding circle in the image is for context only - only the grey segment is generated by the 1-4chrd primitive.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-16 (see note), 1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 2-4, 5-8, 3-4, 13-16, 7-8
High resolution (n-f): 1-48 (see note) 1-24, 1-16, 1-12, 5-48, 1-8, 7-48, 1-6, 3-16, 5-24, 11-48, 1-4, 7-24, 5-16, 1-3, 3-8, 19-48, 5-12, 7-16, 11-24, 2-4
Low resolution (n-f): 1-4, 3-8, 2-4

Note: The regular resolution 1-16chrd.dat and high resolution 1-48chrd are special cases, see Primitive Substitution Adapters below for more information

n-fndis.dat Inverse of circular disc sector
This suite of primitives pad their matching n-fdisc.dat primitives out to the bounding square. They are used to integrate circular elements into rectilinear elements.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-16, 1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 2-4, 3-4, 7-8, 4-4
High resolution (n-f): 1-24, 1-16, 1-12, 5-48, 1-8, 7-48, 1-6, 3-16, 5-24, 11-48, 1-4, 1-3, 7-16, 2-4, 4-4
Low resolution (n-f): 1-4, 3-4, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4

n-ftang.dat Tangential ring segment
This suite of primitives are used to pad a 16-sided polygon to a circumscribing 16-sided polygon whose edges are tangential to the inner polygon. Note that the bounding circle in the image is for context only - only the black segment is generated by the 1-4tang primitive.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-16, 1-8, 3-16, 1-4

n-ftndis.dat Disc negative truncated

This suite of primitives are used to used to integrate circular elements into rectilinear elements. These pad their matching n-fdisc.dat primitives out to the bounding rectangle, spanning from x = 1 to the minimal x value of the matching primitive. Note that the bounding circle in the image is for context only - only the black segment is generated by the 1-8tndis primitive. The image on the right showes the difference between tang, tndis and ndis.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-16, 1-8, 3-16
High resolution (n-f): 5-48, 1-24, 1-16, 1-8

n-faring.dat Circular adaptor ring segment
This suite of primitives are used to interface between high resolution (48-segment) circular primitives and normal resolution (16-segment) circluar primitives. Note that the bounding circle in the image is for context only - only the black segment is generated by the 2-4aring primitive.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 4-4
High resolution (n-f): 1-4

Primitive Substitution Adapters
This suite of primitives are used correct for gaps that form between curved primitives and normal geometry in editors that utilize primitive substitution. This is a special case used on the inside of a curved primitive where it joins geometry that cannot make use of a curved primitive. The chrd files themselves are simply a reference to empty.dat, which under normal circumstances does not draw anything. However, in tools that support primitive substitution, the curved primitive it is attached to would normally in this case create a gap when rendered using more than 16 points to form a circle. In that case, the substituted version of these normally empty primitives would fill in the gap between the curve and the other geometry.

To "see" these primitives, the editor in use must utilize primitive substitution. Then one of the following can be done:

  • set the curve quality to a level high enough to see the gaps reappear
  • For LDView 4.4 or later, in the Model Tree dialog, you can search for them (for example, "ering"), and if you have it set to highlight, then when you select one, it will be highlighted in the 3D view.
  • Manually recolor the primitive in question to a color that contrasts with the colors that surround it

Note that the bounding circle in the image is for context only - there are no actual geometry producing lines contained in these files.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-16chrd, 1-4ering, 1-8ering, 3-16ering, 2-4ering, 4-4ering
High resolution (n-f): 1-48chrd

ringr.dat (deprecated name)
ringrr.dat (deprecated name)
Circular ring segment
This suite of primitives are used to generate circular rings or part rings. The numeric suffix r in the filename indicates the inner radius of the ring - the outer radius is 1LDu greater. For example a n-f4-4ring4 primitive would create a ring with an inner radius of 4LDu and an outer radius of 5LDu.

Note: The correct nomenclature is to use the full word "ring". All newly created ring primitives must use "ring". Due to the fact that too many files would be affected, it was decided to keep the current official "rin" primitives in the library. All files using "ri" have been moved, to use "ring".

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution:
r=1: 1-16rin1, 1-8ring1, 3-16rin1, 1-4ring1, 5-16ring1, 3-8ring1, 7-16rin1, 2-4ring1, 9-16ring1, 5-8ring1, 3-4ring1, 7-8ring1, 4-4ring1
r=2: 1-16rin2, 1-8ring2, 3-16rin2, 1-4ring2, 5-16rin2, 3-8ring2, 7-16ring2, 2-4ring2, 5-8ring2, 3-4ring2, 7-8ring2, 4-4ring2
r=3: 1-16rin3, 1-8ring3, 3-16rin3, 1-4ring3, 5-16rin3, 3-8ring3, 7-16rin3, 2-4ring3, 5-8ring3, 3-4ring3, 7-8ring3, 4-4ring3
r=4: 1-16rin4, 1-8ring4, 3-16rin4, 1-4ring4, 5-16ring4, 3-8ring4, 7-16rin4, 2-4ring4, 5-8ring4, 3-4ring4, 4-4ring4
r=5: 1-8ring5, 3-16rin5, 1-4ring5, 5-16rin5, 3-8ring5, 2-4ring5, 3-4ring5, 4-4ring5
r=6: 1-16ring6, 1-8ring6, 3-16rin6, 1-4ring6, 3-8ring6, 7-16ring6, 2-4ring6, 5-8ring6, 3-4ring6, 4-4ring6
r=7: 1-8ring7, 3-16rin7, 1-4ring7, 5-16ring7, 3-8ring7, 7-16ring7, 2-4ring7, 3-4ring7, 4-4ring7
r=8: 1-16ring8, 1-8ring8, 3-16rin8, 1-4ring8, 5-16ring8, 3-8ring8, 7-16ring8, 2-4ring8, 3-4ring8, 7-8ring8, 4-4ring8
r=9: 1-16ring9, 1-8ring9, 3-16rin9, 1-4ring9, 5-16ring9, 3-8ring9, 7-16ring9, 2-4ring9, 3-4ring9, 7-8ring9, 4-4ring9
r=10: 1-8rin10, 3-16ring10, 1-4rin10, 3-8rin10, 2-4rin10, 5-8ring10, 3-4rin10, 4-4rin10
r=11: 1-16ring11, 1-8ring11, 3-16ring11, 1-4rin11, 7-16ring11, 2-4rin11, 4-4rin11
r=12: 1-8ring12, 3-16ring12, 1-4rin12, 5-16ring12, 3-8rin12, 2-4rin12, 7-8rin12, 4-4rin12
r=13: 1-8ring13, 3-16ring13, 1-4rin13, 5-16ring13, 3-8rin13, 2-4rin13, 4-4rin13
r=14: 3-16ring14, 1-4rin14, 2-4rin14, 3-4rin14, 4-4rin14
r=15: 1-8rin15, 3-16ring15, 1-4rin15, 3-8rin15, 2-4rin15, 7-8rin15, 4-4rin15
r=16: 1-8ring16, 1-4rin16, 3-8rin16, 2-4rin16, 3-4ring16, 7-8rin16, 4-4rin16
r=17: 1-8rin17, 1-4rin17, 5-16ring17, 3-8ring17, 7-16ring17, 2-4rin17, 4-4rin17
r=18: 1-16ring18, 1-8rin18, 1-4rin18, 3-8rin18, 2-4rin18, 4-4rin18
r=19: 1-16ring19, 1-8rin19, 3-16ring19, 1-4rin19, 3-8ring19, 2-4ring19, 3-4ring19, 4-4rin19
r=20: 1-4rin20, 2-4rin20, 4-4rin20
r=21: 1-4ring21, 3-8ring21, 4-4rin21
r=22: 1-16ring22, 3-16ring22, 2-4rin22, 3-4rin22, 4-4rin22
r=23: 1-16ring23, 1-8rin23, 1-4rin23, 2-4rin23, 4-4rin23
r=24: 1-16ring24, 3-16ring24, 1-4rin24, 3-8rin24, 2-4rin24, 4-4rin24
r=25: 1-4ring25, 2-4rin25, 4-4rin25
r=26: 1-4ring26, 2-4ring26, 4-4rin26
r=27: 1-8ring27, 4-4ring27
r=28: 1-8ring28, 1-4rin28, 2-4ring28, 4-4ring28
r=29: 1-4ring29, 3-8ring29, 2-4ring29, 3-4ring29, 4-4rin29
r=30: 2-4rin30, 4-4rin30
r=31: 2-4ring31, 4-4rin31
r=32: 1-8ring32, 2-4ring32, 4-4rin32
r=33: 1-8ring33, 1-4ring33, 4-4rin33
r=34: 1-8ring34, 1-4rin34, 4-4rin34
r=35: 1-8ring35, 4-4ring35
r=36: 1-4ring36, 4-4rin36
r=37: 3-8ring37, 2-4ring37, 4-4rin37
r=38: 1-4rin38, 4-4rin38
r=39: 1-16ring39, 1-8rin39, 3-16ring39, 1-4rin39, 7-8rin39, 4-4rin39
r=40: 1-4ring40, 7-8rin40, 4-4rin40
r=41: 4-4ring41
r=42: 2-4ring42
r=43: 2-4ring43, 4-4rin43
r=44: 2-4ring44, 4-4rin44
r=45: 2-4ring45, 4-4rin45
r=46: 2-4ring46, 4-4rin46
r=47: 4-4rin47
r=48: 1-4rin48, 4-4rin48
r=49: 1-4rin49, 4-4ring49
r=50: 1-4rin50, 4-4rin50
r=51: 4-4rin51
r=52: 2-4rin52, 4-4rin52
r=53: 3-16ring53
r=55: 2-4ring55
r=57: 1-16ring57, 1-4ring57, 4-4rin57
r=61: 4-4ring61
r=66: 1-4ring66, 4-4ring66
r=67: 1-4ring67
r=68: 4-4ring68
r=70: 1-16ring70, 1-8ring70, 3-16ring70, 2-4ring70, 4-4ring70
r=71: 4-4ring71
r=77: 4-4rin77
r=78: 4-4rin78
r=79: 1-4ring79, 4-4rin79
r=80: 3-16ring80
r=81: 4-4ring81
r=85: 4-4rin85
r=88: 4-4ring88
r=95: 4-4ring95
r=97: 4-4ring97
r=101: 4-4ring101

High resolution:
r=1: 1-24ring1, 1-12rin1, 1-8ring1, 1-6ring1, 3-16ring1, 11-48ring1, 1-4ring1, 5-16ring1, 7-16ring1, 2-4ring1, 4-4ring1.dat
r=2: 1-24ring2, 1-16ring2, 1-12rin2, 5-48ring2, 1-8ring2, 1-6ring2, 3-16ring2, 5-24ring2, 1-4ring2, 1-3ring2, 3-8ring2, 7-16ring2, 2-4ring2, 19-24ring2, 7-8ring2, 4-4ring2
r=3: 1-24rin3, 1-16rin3, 1-12ring3, 1-8ring3, 7-48ring3, 1-6ring3, 5-24ring3, 1-4ring3, 1-3ring3, 7-16rin3, 2-4ring3, 4-4ring3
r=4: 1-24rin4, 1-12ring4, 5-48rin4, 1-8ring4, 7-48ring4, 5-24ring4, 1-4ring4, 7-24rin4, 2-4ring4, 4-4ring4
r=5: 1-24rin5, 1-12rin5, 5-48ring5, 1-8ring5, 7-48rin5, 1-6ring5, 5-24ring5, 1-4ring5, 2-4ring5, 4-4ring5
r=6: 1-48rin6, 1-24rin6, 1-16ring6, 1-12rin6, 1-8ring6, 1-6ring6, 5-24ring6, 1-4ring6, 2-4ring6, 5-6ring6, 4-4ring6
r=7: 1-24rin7, 1-16ring7, 1-8ring7, 7-48ring7, 1-6ring7, 3-16rin7, 5-24rin7, 1-4ring7, 2-3ring7, 3-4ring7, 4-4ring7
r=8: 1-16rin8, 1-12rin8, 1-8ring8, 7-48ring8, 1-6ring8, 3-16rin8, 5-24ring8, 1-4ring8, 11-24ring8, 4-4ring8
r=9: 1-48rin9, 1-24rin9, 1-12rin9, 5-48rin9, 1-8ring9, 5-24rin9, 11-48ring9, 1-6ring9, 1-4ring9, 1-3ring9, 2-4ring9, 4-4ring9
r=10: 1-24ring10, 1-16ring10, 1-12ring10, 5-48ring10, 1-8ring10, 7-48ring10, 1-6ring10, 5-24ring10, 1-4rin10, 2-4ring10, 4-4rin10
r=11: 1-24ring11, 1-16ring11, 1-8ring11, 7-48ring11, 3-16ring11, 1-4rin11, 7-16ring11, 2-4rin11, 4-4rin11
r=12: 1-12ring12, 1-8ring12, 1-4ring12, 1-6rin12, 2-4rin12, 4-4rin12
r=13: 1-16ring13, 1-12ring13, 1-8ring13, 1-6rin13, 5-24ring13, 1-4rin13, 5-12ring13, 11-24ring13, 3-4rin13, 4-4rin13
r=14: 1-24ring14, 1-16ring14, 1-12ring14, 1-8rin14, 1-6rin14, 3-16ring14, 1-4rin14, 3-8ring14, 5-12ring14, 3-4rin14, 4-4rin14
r=15: 1-48ring15, 1-24ring15, 1-16ring15, 1-12ring15, 1-8ring15, 1-6ring15, 3-16ring15, 5-24ring15, 1-4rin15, 2-4ring15, 4-4rin15
r=16: 1-16ring16, 1-8rin16, 7-48ring16, 1-6rin16, 1-4rin16, 7-16ring16, 2-4rin16, 3-4rin16, 5-6rin16, 4-4rin16
r=17: 1-16ring17, 1-12ring17, 1-6rin17, 5-24ring17, 1-4rin17, 1-3rin17, 2-4rin17, 4-4rin17
r=18: 1-16ring18, 7-48ring18, 1-6rin18, 5-24ring18, 1-4rin18, 4-4rin18
r=19: 1-24ring19, 1-16ring19, 1-12ring19, 5-48ring19, 1-8ring19, 1-6rin19, 11-48ring19, 1-4rin19, 2-4rin19, 4-4rin19
r=20: 1-12ring20, 1-8rin20, 5-24ring20, 11-48ring20, 1-4rin20, 4-4rin20
r=21: 1-16ring21, 11-48ring21, 1-4rin21, 4-4rin21
r=22: 1-12ring22, 11-48ring22, 1-4rin22, 4-4rin22
r=23: 1-4rin23
r=24: 1-24ring24, 1-12ring24, 5-24ring24, 1-4rin24, 4-4rin24
r=25: 3-16ring25, 1-4rin25, 4-4rin25
r=26: 1-4rin26, 4-4rin26
r=27: 1-4rin27, 4-4rin27
r=28: 1-8rin28, 5-24ring28, 11-48ring28, 1-4ring28, 4-4rin28
r=29: 1-24ring29, 1-16ring29, 1-12ring29, 5-48ring29, 7-48ring29, 1-6ring29, 3-16ring29, 11-48ring29, 1-4rin29, 5-24ring29, 4-4rin29
r=30: 1-24ring30, 1-16ring30, 1-4rin30, 3-8ring30, 4-4rin30
r=31: 1-4rin31, 2-4rin31
r=32: 5-48ring32, 1-4rin32, 2-4ring32
r=33: 5-24ring33, 1-4rin33, 4-4rin33
r=34: 7-48ring34, 5-24ring34, 11-48ring34, 1-4rin34, 2-4ring34, 4-4rin34
r=35: 1-24ring35, 1-16ring35, 1-8rin35, 5-24ring35, 1-4rin35, 4-4ring35
r=36: 1-8ring36, 1-4rin36, 1-3ring36, 4-4ring36
r=37: 1-8ring37, 1-4rin37, 2-4ring37, 4-4rin37
r=38: 1-12ring38, 1-6ring38, 1-4rin38, 4-4ring38
r=39: 1-24ring39, 1-16ring39, 1-12ring39, 5-48ring39, 1-8rin39, 7-48ring39, 1-6ring39, 3-16ring39, 1-4rin39, 2-4ring39, 4-4ring39
r=40: 1-4rin40, 11-48ring40, 2-4ring40
r=41: 1-8ring41, 1-4rin41, 4-4rin41
r=42: 1-12ring42, 1-6ring42, 4-4rin42
r=43: 1-48ring43, 1-16ring43, 1-12ring43, 1-6ring43, 4-4ring43
r=44: 4-4ring44
r=45: 1-4rin45, 4-4ring45
r=46: 1-4ring46
r=47: 1-6rin47, 1-4ring47, 4-4rin47
r=48: 7-48ring48, 1-4rin48, 2-4ring48
r=49: 1-24ring49, 1-16ring49, 1-4ring49, 4-4rin49
r=50: 1-6rin50, 3-16ring50, 4-4rin50
r=51: 1-4rin51
r=52: 11-24ring52, 4-4rin52
r=53: 1-8ring53, 3-16ring53, 4-4rin53
r=54: 4-4rin54
r=55: 2-4ring55
r=56: 1-12ring56, 1-8rin56
r=57: 1-4ring57, 4-4ring57
r=59: 1-24ring59, 1-16ring59, 1-12ring59
r=60: 1-24ring60, 1-16ring60
r=63: 1-4rin63
r=64: 1-4rin64
r=65: 1-4rin65
r=69: 5-24ring69
r=70: 1-4rin70
r=71: 1-4rin71, 4-4ring71
r=77: 4-4ring77
r=78: 1-12ring78
r=79: 1-4ring79
r=80: 7-48ring80, 1-6ring80
r=81: 4-4ring81
r=82: 1-4rin82
r=83: 1-4rin83
r=84: 1-8ring84
r=85: 4-4ring85
r=88: 4-4ring88
r=90: 11-48ring90
r=95: 2-4ring95
r=96: 1-4ring96
r=97: 4-4rin97
r=99: 1-6ring99, 4-4ring99
r=100: 1-24ring100, 4-4ring100
r=130: 4-4ring130
r=160: 2-4ring160
r=179: 1-4ring179
r=240: 2-4ring240

Low resolution:
r=2 : 2-4ring2, 4-4ring2
r=3 : 1-4ring3, 4-4ring3
r=6 : 4-4ring6
r=7 : 4-4ring7
r=11 : 4-4ring11

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Three dimensional

Circular cylinder
This suite of primitives are used to generate cylinders or part cylinders. These are provided in two forms - with conditional lines (n-fcyli) or without conditional lines (n-fcyli2). In almost all circumstances the "cyli" version should be used. The "cyli2" versions are for very special cases and their use for the rounded corners of stickers is no longer appropriate.

Currently available primitives - with conditional lines (n-fcyli):
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-16, 1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 2-4, 9-16, 5-8, 11-16, 3-4, 13-16, 7-8, 4-4
High resolution (n-f): 1-48, 1-24, 1-16, 1-12, 5-48, 1-8, 7-48, 1-6, 3-16, 5-24, 11-48, 1-4, 7-24, 5-16, 1-3, 3-8, 5-12, 7-16, 11-24, 2-4, 5-8, 2-3, 3-4, 7-8, 4-4
Low resolution (n-f): 1-4, 3-8, 2-4, 4-4

Currently available primitives - without conditional lines (n-fcyli2):
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 2-4, 3-8, 4-4
High resolution (n-f): 1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 3-8, 2-4, 4-4
Low resolution (n-f): None

n-fcylo.dat Circular cylinder with Open End
This suite of primitives are used to generate cylinders or part cylinders with edges around the lower and upper surfaces.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-16, 1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 2-4, 9-16, 5-8, 3-4, 7-8, 4-4
High resolution (n-f): 1-48, 1-24, 1-16, 1-12, 5-48, 1-8, 7-48, 1-6, 3-16, 5-24, 11-48, 1-4, 1-3, 3-8, 2-4, 4-4
Low resolution (n-f): 1-4, 3-8, 2-4, 4-4

Circular cylinder with Closed End
This suite of primitives are used to generate cylinders or part cylinders with the upper surface closed.

Currently available primitives - with conditional lines and top edge line (n-fcylc):
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-16, 1-4, 3-8, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4
High resolution (n-f): 2-4, 4-4
Low resolution (n-f): None

Currently available primitives - without conditional lines or top or bottom edge line (n-fcylc2):
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-4, 4-4
High resolution (n-f): 4-4
Low resolution (n-f): None

Currently available primitives - with conditional lines, but without top and bottom edge lines (n-fcylc3):
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-4, 4-4
High resolution (n-f): 4-4
Low resolution (n-f): None

Circular cylinder truncated by an angled plane
These primitives are used to generate cylinders or part cylinders which are truncated by a plane which is not perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. The default angle of the plane is 45 degress.

These primitives are notoriously difficult to describe and the user is encouraged to experiment in order to gain a full understanding of their geometry. One technique is to open the primitive in LDPE and choose random colours. Selecting Show Axes also helps.

The 2-4cyls.dat primitive is orientated with the perpendicular bounding plane at the top {-y} and the angled bounding plane at the bottom {+y}. In common with the other 2-4xxxx.dat primitives, the {+z} semicircle is represented. By default the truncation plane is y=x-1. The 1-4cyls.dat and 3-8cyls.dat primitives are sub-sections of 2-4cyls.dat

The 1-4cyls2.dat primitive is orientated with the perpendicular bounding plane at the top {-y} and the angled bounding plane at the bottom {+y}. Unlike the other 1-4xxxx.dat primitives, the {-x,+z} quadrant is represented. The truncation plane is y=x.

The following observations may help :

1-4cyls and 1-4cyls2 are complements. If you put them together correctly they make a 1-4cyli.

1 16    0 0 0    1 0 0    0 1 0    0 0 1    1-4cyls.dat

1 16    0 1 0    -1 0 0    0 -1 0    0 0 1    1-4cyls2.dat

1-4cyls2 is actually hidden in 2-4cyls, which could be constructed like

1 16    0 0 0    1 0 0    0 1 0    0 0 1    1-4cyls.dat

1 16    0 0 0    0 0 -1    0 1 0    1 0 0    1-4cyli.dat

1 16    0 1 0    1 0 0    0 1 0    0 0 1    1-4cyls2.dat

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-8cyls, 3-16cyls, 1-4cyls, 3-8cyls, 2-4cyls, 4-4cyls, 1-8cyls2, 3-16cys2, 1-4cyls2
High resolution (n-f): 1-4cyls, 1-4cyls2

n-fcylse.dat Circular cylinder truncated by an angled plane with angled edge included
This suite of primitives are similar to the n-fcyls primitive, but with the edge along the angled plane included.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 4-4

cyljrxs.dat Circular cylinder truncated by another cylinder
This suite of primitives are used to model the intersection between two cylinders of different radii.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (rxs): 4x6, 4x7, 4x8, 4x9, 4x10, 5x9

n-fcylrsphs.dat Circular cylinder truncated by a sphere
This suite of primitives are used to model the intersection between a cylinder and a sphere of a different radius.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution 1:2 (n-f): 4-4cyl1sph2

Circular cone
This suite of primitives are used to generate circular cones or part cones. The numeric suffix r in the filename indicates the inner radius of the cone - the outer radius is 1LDu greater. By default the cone is 1LDu high in the {+y} dimension with the origin at the centre of the outer diameter. For example a n-fcone4 primitive would create a cone with an inner radius of 4LDu and an outer radius of 5LDu.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f)(r):
r=0: 1-4con0, 2-4con0, 4-4con0
r=1: 1-16con1, 1-8con1, 3-16con1, 1-4con1, 2-4con1, 4-4con1
r=2: 1-8con2, 3-16con2, 1-4con2, 2-4con2, 4-4con2
r=3: 1-8con3, 1-4con3, 2-4con3, 7-8con3, 4-4con3
r=4: 1-4con4, 3-8con4, 2-4con4, 4-4con4
r=5: 1-4con5, 4-4con5
r=6: 1-4con6, 3-8con6, 4-4con6
r=7: 1-4con7, 3-8con7, 2-4con7, 4-4con7
r=8: 1-4con8, 2-4con8, 4-4con8
r=9: 3-16con9, 1-4con9, 3-8con9, 4-4con9
r=10: 1-8con10, 1-4con10, 2-4con10, 4-4con10
r=11: 1-4con11, 2-4con11, 4-4con11
r=12: 1-4con12, 3-8con12, 2-4con12, 4-4con12
r=13: 1-4con13, 2-4con13, 4-4con13
r=14: 1-4con14, 4-4con14
r=15: 1-4con15, 2-4con15, 4-4con15
r=16: 4-4con16
r=17: 4-4con17
r=18: 1-4con18, 4-4con18
r=19: 1-8con19, 1-4con19, 2-4con19, 4-4con19
r=20: 1-8con20, 3-8con20, 4-4con20
r=21: 4-4con21
r=22: 4-4con22
r=23: 1-4con23
r=24: 1-4con24, 4-4con24
r=25: 4-4con25
r=27: 1-4con27
r=28: 1-8con28, 1-4con28, 4-4con28
r=29: 4-4con29
r=30: 4-4con30
r=31: 1-4con31
r=32: 4-4con32
r=33: 4-4con33
r=34: 3-8con34
r=35: 4-4con35
r=36: 4-4con36
r=41: 4-4con41
r=42: 4-4con42
r=43: 4-4con43
r=46: 4-4con46
r=47: 4-4con47
r=48: 4-4con48
r=61: 4-4con61
r=80: 4-4con80
r=81: 4-4con81

High resolution (n-f)(r):
r=0: 4-4con0
r=1: 1-4con1, 4-4con1
r=2: 1-4con2, 5-12con2, 4-4con2
r=3: 1-4con3, 5-24con3, 4-4con3
r=4: 1-12con4, 1-6con4, 1-4con4, 4-4con4
r=5: 1-12con5, 1-8con5, 1-6con5, 1-4con5, 4-4con5
r=6: 5-48con6, 1-8con6, 1-4con6
r=7: 1-24con7, 1-12con7, 1-6con7, 4-4con7
r=8: 1-6con8, 1-4con8, 4-4con8
r=9: 1-16col9, 5-48con9, 1-8con9, 5-24con9, 1-4con9, 4-4con9
r=10: 1-24con10, 5-24con10, 4-4con10
r=11: 1-16con11, 1-8con11, 1-4con11, 4-4con11
r=12: 1-24con12, 5-48con12, 1-8con12, 5-24con12, 1-4con12, 4-4con12
r=13: 1-6con13, 1-4con13, 4-4con13
r=14: 1-24con14, 5-24con14, 1-4con14, 3-8con14
r=15: 1-8con15, 1-4con15, 4-4con15
r=16: 1-24con16, 1-6con16, 5-24con16, 1-4con16, 3-8con16, 4-4con16
r=17: 1-6con17, 4-4con17
r=18: 4-4con18
r=19: 1-16con19, 3-16con19, 1-4con19, 4-4con19
r=20: 1-16con20, 4-4con20
r=21: 1-4con21, 4-4con21
r=22: 4-4con22
r=23: 1-4con23, 4-4con23
r=24: 1-24con24, 1-16con24, 1-12con24, 1-4con24, 4-4con24
r=25: 1-4con25, 4-4con25
r=27: 4-4con27
r=28: 1-4con28
r=29: 5-48con29
r=32: 1-4con32
r=31: 1-6con31, 4-4con31
r=32: 1-4con32
r=35: 4-4con35
r=36: 1-4con36, 4-4con36
r=38: 1-4con38
r=39: 1-4con39, 4-4con39
r=40: 1-4con40
r=41: 1-4con41, 4-4con41
r=45: 1-6con45
r=46: 1-6con46
r=52: 1-4con52
r=54: 4-4con54
r=64: 4-4con64
r=70: 4-4con70


Circular torus
This suite of primitives are used to generate circular torus sections. By default all these primitives produce a torus with a major radius of 1LDu, so typically need to be scaled up in the {x} and {z} dimensions. The first character denotes whether the minor radius is smaller than (tff primitives) or larger than the major radius (rff primitives). The latter are termed reverse ratio tori. The second and third characters of the filename ff denotes the sweep of torus, as an inverse fraction (01=1/1, 02=1/2, 04=1/4, 08=1/8, 16=1/16, 32=1/32, 48=1/48). The fourth character denotes the section of a torus (i=inner, o=outer, q=tube - the combination of 2 inner and 2 outer sections). Inner sections are not possible for reverse ratio tori.

For regular tori, the last four characters of the file name rrrr denote the torus minor radius in LDu (1333=0.1333, 3333=0.3333), with the special designation 'unit' unsed to indicate a radius of 1.0000. For reverse ratio tori named like rfforrrr.dat, the last four characters of the file name rrrr represent torus minor radius with an implied decimal point after the first digit (1500=1.5, 4600=4.6). For reverse ratio tori named like rfforrrrr.dat, the last five characters of the file name rrrrr represent torus minor radius with an implied decimal point after the first two digits (11000=11.0).

These diagrams (based on an idea of Paul Easter's) illustrate the relationship of the torus primitives to the major and minor radii.

Currently available regular torus primitives:
Regular resolution (ff)(rrrr):

t01i0702, t01i0714, t01i0769, t01i1579, t01i1667, t01i2000, t01i3261, t01i3333, t01i3600, t01i5556, t01i6000
t02i1111, t02i2000, t02i2258, t02i4000
t04i0462, t04i0625, t04i0857, t04i1111, t04i1304, t04i1333, t04i1429, t04i1765, t04i2000, t04i2258, t04i2500, t04i2667, t04i3333, t04i4167, t04i5000, t04i6381
t08i0909, t08i2000
t16i0909, t16i2000


t01o0556, t01o0625, t01o0667, t01o0714, t01o1154, t01o1250, t01o1429, t01o1579, t01o2222, t01o2500, t01o3333, t01o3571, t01o3750, t01o3810, t01o3889, t01o4000
t02o0526, t02o1111, t02o1176, t02o2000, t02o3333
t04o0462, t04o0625, t04o0833, t04o0857, t04o1111, t04o1250, t04o1304, t04o1333, t04o1429, t04o1538, t04o1667, t04o1765, t04o1905, t04o2000, t04o2500, t04o2667, t04o3077, t04o3333, t04o3750, t04o4167, t04o5000, t04o6250, t04o6667, ::t04o7000, t04o7500, t04o8750, t04o8889
t08o0727, t08o0909, t08o2000, t08o6250
t16o0909, t16o1429, t16o2000, t16o6250


t01q0702, t01q1429
t02q3333, t02q5455
t04q0625, t04q1000, t04q1316, t04q1538, t04q2500, t04q2857, t04q3030, t04q3333, t04q3529, t04q3750, t04q4000, t04q5000, t04q5455, t04q7143, t04q7500, t04q9231
t08q4000, t08q5000, t08q7500
t16q4000, t16q5000, t16q7500

High resolution (ff)(rrrr):



t04o0455, t04o2000
t08o0625, t08o2500
t12o0349, t12o0625



Currently available reverse ratio torus primitives:
Regular resolution:

r04o1000, r04o1333, r04o1375, r04o1500, r04o2000, r04o3000, r04o4600

High resolution:

r08o2000, r08o11000
1-4ccyli.dat Circular torus (obsolete)
This single primitive pre-dates the creation of the tffirrrr and tfforrrr suite of primitives and will not be augmented. It produces a quarter torus with a major radius of 2.5Ldu and a tube radius of 1LDu.

It is superceded by t04q4000.dat.

n-fsphe.dat Sphere section
This primitive represents a sphere, centered at the origin {0,0,0} of radius 1 LDu.

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 1-8, 2-8, 4-8, 8-8
High resolution (n-f): 2-8, 4-8, 8-8

1-8sphc.dat Spherical corner
This primitive represents one octant (eighth) of a sphere, centered at the origin {0,0,0} of radius 1.414, truncated by the sides of a cube with a vertex at {1,1,1}. The boundaries of the resulting surface are circular and fit with 1-4edge.dat.
n-fedgh.dat Cylinder Helical Edge
This primitive represents ...

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 3-16, 1-8, 1-4

n-fcylh.dat Cylinder Helical
This primitive represents ...

Currently available primitives:
Regular resolution (n-f): 3-16, 1-8, 1-4

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Technic primitives

Technic axle primitives

These primitives represent various components of the technic axle and its matching hole. They are orientated in the {x,z} plane. Except where noted below, and in the {y} dimension only, these primitives must not be scaled.

axle.dat Technic axle section
This primitive comprises a 1LDu long section of technic axle, including its ends. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension to produce an axle of any length.
axleend.dat Technic axle end
This primitive is used to produce the "plus-shaped" cross section of a technic axle.
axlehole.dat Technic axle hole - closed
This primitive produces a technic axle hole with the disc ends and all sides. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axlehol2.dat Technic axle hole - side edges
This primitive produces the edges at the ends of the "plus-shaped" technic axle.
axlehol3.dat Technic axle hole - tooth outer edges
This primitive produces the outer edges of the teeth of a technic axle hole.
axlehol4.dat Technic axle hole - open one side
This primitive produces a technic axle hole with one side omitted. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axlehol5.dat Technic axle hole - open two opposite sides
This primitive produces a technic axle hole with two opposite sides omitted. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axlehol6.dat Technic axle hole tooth
This primitive represents one tooth of a technic axle hole. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axlehol7.dat Technic axle hole - sides
This primitive comprises a 1LDu long section of outer sides of a technic axle. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension.
axlehol8.dat Technic axle hole perimeter
This primitive comprises a 1LDu long section of technic axle, without any ends. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axlehol9.dat Technic axle hole - tooth inner edges
This primitive produces the inner edges of the "plus-shaped" technic axle.
axleho10.dat Technic axle hole - tooth surface
This primitive is used to produce the fill the "plus-shaped" cross section of a technic axle to the bounding circle.
Axlehol0.dat Technic Axle Hole Hint
This file is an invisible "axlehole" that can be used to hint irregular axleholes that cannot be modeled with conventional axlehole primitives. To use: add an axle.dat in your part, apply position and scaling so that it fills the axlehole, and substitute it with this primitive.

Note that the bounding axle sction in the image is for context only - there are no actual geometry producing lines contained in these files.

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Technic axle hole reduced

axl2hole.dat Technic axle hole reduced
This primitive produces a technic axle hole with reduced teeth including the disc ends and all edges. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axl2hol2.dat Technic axle hole reduced - side edges
This primitive produces the edges at the ends of the "plus-shaped" reduced technic axle.
axl2hol3.dat Technic axle hole reduced - tooth outer edges
This primitive produces the outer edges of the teeth of a reduced technic axle hole.
axl2hol8.dat Technic axle hole reduced - perimeter
This primitive comprises a 1LDu long section of reduced technic axle, without any ends. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axl2hol9.dat Technic axle hole reduced - tooth inner edges
This primitive produces the inner edges of the reduced "plus-shaped" technic axle.
axl2ho10.dat Technic axle hole reduced - tooth surface
This primitive used to produce the fill the "plus-shaped" cross section of a reduced technic axle to the bounding circle.
axl2end.dat Technic axle hole reduced - end surface
This primitive is used to produce the "plus-shaped" cross section of a technic axle hole reduced.
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Technic axle hole semi-reduced

axl3hole.dat Technic axle hole semi-reduced
This primitive produces a technic axle hole with semi-reduced teeth including the disc ends and all edges. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axl3hol2.dat Technic axle hole semi-reduced - side edges
This primitive produces the edges at the ends of the "plus-shaped" semi-reduced technic axle.
axl3hol3.dat Technic axle hole semi-reduced - tooth outer edges
This primitive produces the outer edges of the teeth of a semi-reduced technic axle hole.
axl3hol6.dat Technic axle hole semi-reduced tooth
This primitive represents the teeth of a semi-reduced technic axle hole. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axl3hol8.dat Technic axle hole semi-reduced - perimeter
This primitive comprises a 1LDu long section of semi-reduced technic axle, without any ends. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axl3hol9.dat Technic axle hole semi-reduced - tooth inner edges
This primitive produces the inner edges of the semi-reduced "plus-shaped" technic axle.
axl3ho10.dat Technic axle hole semi-reduced - tooth surface
This primitive used to produce the fill the "plus-shaped" cross section of a semi-reduced technic axle to the bounding circle.
axl3end.dat Technic axle hole semi-reduced - end surface
This primitive is used to produce the "plus-shaped" cross section of a technic axle hole semi-reduced.
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Special Technic axle primitive

axlebeam.dat Technic Axle Truncated to fit Technic Beam End Surface
This primitive produces the tip of an axle to be used between a cylinder of 9 LDu radius and an axle primitive.

Usage example:
1 16 0 0 -10 9 0 0 0 0 -9 0 20 0 2-4cyli.dat
1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 axlebeam.dat
1 16 0 -20 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 axlehol8.dat

axlesphe.dat Technic axle - truncated to fit ball joint
This primitive produces the tip of an axle, truncated to fit a 12.81 LDu radius sphere.

Usage example:
1 16 0 0 0 12.81 0 0 0 0 12.81 0 -12.81 0 8-8sphe.dat
1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 axlesphe.dat
1 16 0 -20 0 1 0 0 0 7.19 0 0 0 1 axlehol8.dat

axles.dat Axle Sloped
This primitive produces the tip of an axle, truncated by a slope with the height of 1 LDu. It may be scaled in the {y} dimension as necessary.
axlecap.dat Axle Endcap
This primitive produces the beveled tip of an axle.
axlecaph.dat Axle Endcap with Hole 4D
This primitive produces the beveled tip of an axle with a center hole of 2 LDu radius.
axlecaph2.dat Axle Endcap with Hole 5D
This primitive produces the beveled tip of an axle with a center hole of 2.5 LDu radius.
axleconnect.dat Technic Axle to Connector Hole Perpendicular Joint 0.5
This primitive produces a right angle connection between an axle and a Technic connector hole.

Usage example:
1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 axleconnect.dat
1 16 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 axleconnect.dat
1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 connhole.dat
1 16 0 0 -30 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 20 0 axle.dat

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Technic castellated bush primitives

These primitives are various representations of the castellated technic bush. They are orientated with the technic axle hole along the {y} axis and must not be scaled.

bushlock.dat Technic 16-tooth castellation - long teeth
bushloc2.dat Technic 16-tooth castellation - regular teeth
bushloc3.dat Technic 16-tooth castellation - regular teeth indented
This primitive differs from bushloc2.dat in that the teeth are indented in four places to allow it to fit between four adjacent studs.
bushloc4.dat Technic 16-tooth castellation - short teeth
steerend.dat Curved end to technic 1xn plate with 16-tooth castellation on underside
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Technic bush primtives

These primitives are usd to construct technic bush parts.

bush.dat Technic bush with collar at one end
bush0.dat Technic bush without end collars
bush1.dat Technic bush collar quarter
bush2.dat Technic Bush End 0.25
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Technic connector primitives

These primitives are used to contruct technic connector pegs. They are orientated with the technic axle hole along the {y} axis and must not be scaled.

connect.dat Technic connector - long with collar
connect2.dat Technic connector - long without collar
connect3.dat Technic connector - short with collar
connect4.dat Technic connector - short without collar
connect5.dat Technic connector - long with collar and slot
connect6.dat Technic connector - long with collar and notches
connect7.dat Technic connector - long with rectangular centre hole and thin (frictionless) ribs
connect8.dat Technic connector - long with collar and blind hole
connect10.dat Technic Pin 1.0 without Base Collar and Rectangular Centre Hole
connectcollar1.dat Technic Pin Collar Half with Rectangular Hole and Short Slit
connectcollar2.dat Technic Pin Collar Half with Small Rectangular Hole and Short Slit
connectcollar3.dat Technic Pin Collar Half with Rectangular Hole and Long Slit
connectcollar4.dat Technic Pin Collar Half with Small Rectangular Hole and Long Slit
connectcollar5.dat Technic Pin Collar Half with Round Hole and Short Slit
connectslit1.dat Technic Pin Long Middle Slit Half with Rectangular Hole
connectslit2.dat Technic Pin Long Middle Slit Half with Small Rectangular Hole
confric.dat Technic connector with friction - long with collar
confric2.dat Technic connector with friction - long without collar
confric3.dat Technic connector with friction - long with rectangular centre hole and collar
confric4.dat Technic connector with friction - long with collar and blind hole
confric5.dat Technic connector with friction - long with collar and slot
confric6.dat Technic connector with friction - long without collar with slot
confric8.dat Technic connector with friction - middle section with collar and slot
confric9.dat Technic connector with friction - middle section slotted with unsplit base collar
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Technic connector hole primitives

These primitives are used to contruct technic connector peg holes. They are orientated with the technic axle hole along the {y} axis. They must not be scaled in the {x} or {z} dimensions, but the peghole and npeghol families of primitives may be scaled in the {y} dimension.

connhole.dat Technic beam hole long
This primitive is used for Technic connector peg holes in 20LDu wide Technic beams.
connhol2.dat Technic beam hole long with extended end
This primitive is used for Technic connector peg holes in 20LDu wide Technic parts with an extended indentation.
connhol3.dat Technic beam hole long with only one end
This primitive is used for Technic connector peg holes for use in Technic parts with a narrow beam section.