Nomenclature for screws
Nomenclature: Screw length_(LDu) x thread_diameter_(LDu) {head type} {slot type}
At present we have the following {head type}:
- Countersunk
- Pan
- Flat
- Beveled
At present we have the following {slot type}:
- Slotted
- Cruciform
- Triangular
u9000.dat - ~Screw 44.5 x 5 Countersunk Slotted
u9013.dat - ~Screw 12 x 6 Pan Cruciform
u9021.dat - ~Screw 6 x 5 Flat Slotted
u9022.dat - ~Screw 4 x 4 Beveled Triangular
--Mikeheide 09:56, 10 July 2011 (EDT)